“…as yourself.”

“Love God. Love Others.” You’ve heard some version of that when people misquote the Bible when saying the greatest commandment. Yeah, misquote. Continue Reading

Gratefulness: WellCare/Medicaid

"Remember this at the ballot box."

The quote is from a church leader who said it at a staff meeting during the 2016 Presidential election. The only issue/topic that was addressed directly, to the staff, throughout the 2016 Presidential election was healthcare. It was addressed more than once. We were told "Trumpcare" would be "cheaper and better" for us once Obamacare was repealed... Continue reading

I’m No Longer Prediabetic

I like food. I like enjoying food with friends. This has been the case for most of my life. Granted, the food I enjoyed eating was not always the best for me. Growing up, I didn't always eat well. Lots of microwaveable foods. That's not to lay blame on my parents. There is a lot... Continue Reading →

The RID Project: Husker Football (Update #26)

I think the easy thing would be to write one sentence and move on, but where's the fun with that? Last fall, when I wrote about getting rid of the NFL, I received the most criticism about a specific The RID Project post. One of the ripple effects was there were times I had something... Continue Reading →

My Growing Disillusionment with Football

I'm not sure when it started, but at some point I realized I didn't like football that much. I liked college football because I liked the Huskers. I liked the Huskers because of being born and raised in Nebraska, and immersed in the Husker football culture. I have blogged at length about Husker football games... Continue Reading →

Beyond The Message: Counseling (and Addressing the Stigma Associated with it) [VIDEO]

My office is amongst some counseling offices here at Christ Community Church. Routinely, I see people I know who are here at the church for counseling. Most of the time, when we make eye contact, they react with embarrassment or shame. In that moment, I often want to encourage them because I think it is a... Continue Reading →

Out Of Debt, But Now Here Come The Expenses

As you might know, Jana and I recently got out of credit card debt. A wonderful feeling. Of course, now a variety of expenses hit.The big thing we need is a minivan. There are other things we could use, but we've managed to get by for the time being. At some point, though, we will... Continue Reading →

Sick, Sick, and More Sick

A few weeks ago I mentioned to Jana it seemed like as a family we haven't all been healthy in quite awhile. Since I made that comment, we have all been sick once again. It's been almost a month since we all attended church together.I was sick last week with a fever, sore throat, sinus... Continue Reading →

The Reality of Parenthood & Sickness

It's not often you get a break when you're a parent. The past four nights I've had roughly four hours of sleep each night due to a variety of circumstances.Sunday, at about 2:30 AM, I hear Liam and Duncan talking. Why are they talking at this hour? No idea. I go in to their room,... Continue Reading →

No More Beers

I went to the doctor last week. I've been dealing with some lingering sinus issues since early-to-mid August. I thought it was a combination of allergies and a sinus infection. It was allergies I was dealing with, but another diagnosis came up that surprised me.I don't really drink alcohol. I've not liked the taste of... Continue Reading →

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